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Truckee Tahoe Area Fly Fishing Report May 31st, 2019


This report will focus on Flyfishing the local reservoirs Prosser, Boca, and Stampede. With the rivers remaining a bit high and cold these three reservoirs offer great Flyfishing opportunities for anglers. Good access, close to town, and multi species of fish to catch. The reservoirs are really productive in the Spring as they are warming up. Right now is a good time to get out and explore these venues. On any given day you can catch Rainbows, Browns, Kokanee, LCT, Smallmouth Bass, and the occasional Makinaw. The trick is to get your line in the water.

Prosser, Boca, and Stampede Resevoir Conditions

On the lakes the water temps in or near the inlets is matching the current inflows at 46 degrees. Once away from this influence the surface temps are 53 degrees. As the sun starts to show itself look for the temps to increase pretty quickly. They will fish well for the flyfisher targeting Trout until temps hit the mid 60's then it will be Smallmouth Bass time!

The lake levels are varied and Stampede is at 5,943 feet and rising. A great level. Prosser is at 5,720 feet and coming up but not near full. Boca is at 5,569 and rising. Boca will be held low this year while they work on the dam. Which means Stampede may get vary busy on weekends.

Prosser, Boca, and Stampede Reservoir Tactics

The fish here will respond to a variety of methods. Dry, Dry/Dropper, indicator nymphing, and sinking line methods will all catch fish. Currently, indicator nymphing and sinking line techniques will be the most productive all day. A little chop on the water will help when indicator nymphing. When using sinking lines, intermediate lines stripping nymphs and small streamers has been good. However, that will change with the weather and the water temperatures. With the cooler temps and overcast skies fish are cruising in fairly close to shore and in water 3-7 feet deep. Vary accessible to the wading angler. Tubing or a boat are nice but really not needed as this time.

Prosser, Boca, and Stampede Reservoir Suggested Flies

Pretty simple out there right now with various sized Midges, Mayflies, and Baitfish. For dries try Parachute Adams 14-16, Throax Dun 14-16, Compara Dun 14-16, Quigley Cripple 14-16, Calibeatis emerger 14-16, Griffiths Gnat 16-18, Palimino Midge 16-18, and Biot Midge 16-18. For the subsurface game try Pheasant tails 14-18, Flashbact PT 14-18, Birdsnest 14-16, Calibeatis nymph 14-16, Sheeps Creek 14-16, Brassie 16-18, RS2 16-18, and Mercury Midge 16-18. For Streamers try Woolley Buggers 8-10, Leeches 8-10, Scupzilla 8, Gummy Minnow 6-8, and Marabou Muddler 6-8.

Prosser, Boca, and Stampede Reservoir Summary

Conditions on Prosser, Boca, and Stampede Reservoirs is good and is going to get better in the next weeks. Multiple species of fish to target makes these reservoirs viable options to the Truckee River or Little Truckee River when they are high and cold. Various presentation techniques will work to represent the Midges, Mayflies and Baitfish that currently are making up the fishes diet.

Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the Premier Orvis endorsed Guide service in the Truckee Tahoe Area. We offer trips walk/wade and boat trips to all three of these Reservoirs. Give us a call to book your adventure today. 530-386-0525

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I love to share my passion for fly fishing with anyone from the beginner to the seasoned veteran. Join me for a guided fishing trip in the Truckee/Lake Tahoe Area!


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