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Truckee Tahoe Fly Fishing Report for May 3rd, 2020


Welcome to May. Since my last report the general season has opened which has opened up access to the waters that have been closed all winter. We now have options. Such as the #TruckeeRiver from Tahoe City to Trout Creek, Sagehen Creek, and Prosser Creek. I have been taking advantage and been fishing all over the area. This report will be a bit long but going to include the #LittleTruckee and Reservoirs in this report because of all the options now available. The runoff has started and shouldn't get any bigger given the snowpack is a little lighter this year. Aside from a big rain event conditions here should be improving nicely.

It is important to note that some areas that are usually open at this time are still closed. In our area Sierra County has the Downie River and the N. Yuba closed until May 31st. Read the Link here

Truckee River Conditions

The flows on the Truckee in town are 269cfs and at Boca they are 1,120cfs. The runoff has started and has affected water clarity. The water clarity varies day to day but, overall it is good. Freezing nights will slow the the daily runoff as well. Water temps in the afternoon have been pushing 50 degrees.

Truckee River Tactics

The tactics for the Truckee have changed a bit since the last report. We are not seeing the big BWO and March Brown hatches or as many fish looking up. With the runoff it is a buffet down there for the trout with plenty to eat. Time to roll with some bigger bugs too. #Nymphing with plenty of weight is the ticket. #Streamers early and late in the day can work as well. If the Truckee is tough move to another venue.

Truckee River Suggested Flies

For nymphs: Pats Rubber Legs 10-8, Twenty Incher 8-10, Peacock Stones 8-10, Mercer's Poxyback stone 8-10, Soft Hackles 12-16, Prince Nymphs 8-12, Poohpah 14-18, Burk's Bottom roller 14-16, Mop 10, SJW, Flashback Pheasant Tail 12-16, SJW, Haresear 12-16, Copper Johns 12-16, and Birdsnest 10-16. For Streamers: Woolley Bugger 6-8, Sculpzilla 8, Muddler Minnow 6-8, Sparkle Minnow 4, and Dali Lama 4.

Truckee River Summary

The Truckee River is fishing pretty well. The flows are up and you are going to have to work for the fish. You might lose some flies to get down in the zone. Don't expect to see too many fish on top.

Opening Day Rainbow

Little Truckee River Conditions

The flows on the Little Truckee are 365cfs and the clarity is good. Afternoon water temps are in high 40s.

Little Truckee River Tactics

Tactics for the Little Truckee during these flows is Nymphing, Dryflies, and Streamers. Nymphing would be the most productive throughout the day. The LT had been seeing a ton of action before the water went up and the fish are a bit spooky so adjust accordingly. For the Dry Fly purest there will be daily hatches of Midges and Mayflies with a few little Stones lingering as well. And, if that doesn't work the flows are nice for working big junk streamers around the boulders and under the banks. Good conditions for the angler.

Little Truckee River Suggested Flies

Suggested Flies for the Little Truckee. For nymphs try Micro May 16-18, Pheasant Tail 16-18, Flashback PT 16-18, SJW, Globug, Copper Johns 14-18, Zebra Midge 18-20, RS2 16-18, WD-40 16-18, Green Drake 8-10 and HBI 14-16. For dry flies try Parachute Adams 16-20, Griffiths Gnat 16-10, Quigley Cripple 16-18, Royal Wluff 10-14, Thorax Dun 14-16, and Compara Dun 14-16. For Streamers: Woolley Bugger 6-8, Sculpzilla 8, Muddler Minnow 6-8, Sparkle Minnow 4, and Dali Lama 4.

Little Truckee River Summary

The Little Truckee River is fishing well, the flows are not unmanageable, in fact, probably work in favor of the angler. Be stealthy and come prepared to try a lot of stuff as conditions change throughout the day.

Bass will eat even if they have no room left, Greedy!

Prosser, Boca, and Stampede Reservoirs

The reservoirs have been open and accessable for quite some time. The fishing has started to pick up with the rise in water temp. There are multiple species of fish in these impoundments so you never know what you might find. The Smallmouth Bass are around most of the dams and other rock structure. With the Trout mostly cruising the shoreline around the inlets. A word of warning about the mud. The mud is sticky here. Stay away from the edge and check it out first and you'll save yourself a hefty towing bill.

Reservoir Tactics

The reservoir tactics are not that different than the river and the same equipment and flies that work on the river will work in the reservoirs, too. Nymphing under and indicator is my first choice whether targeting Bass or Trout. Next is stripping a light sinking line with streamers or nymphs. Usually a type II or intermediate sinking line is all you need here. I tend to move a lot when targeting trout. With the Bass just find some structure and change retrieves or flies until you find something they like. Bass like a lot of stuff. It is a bit too early for dry droppers here.

Reservoir Suggested Flies

For the nymphing try Pheasant tails 14-18, Flashback PT 14-18, Birdsnest 14-16, Calibeatis nymph 14-16, Sheeps Creek 14-16, Balanced leech 8-10, Brassie 16-18, RS2 16-18, and Mercury Midge 16-18. For Streamers try Woolley Buggers 8-10, Leeches 8-10, Scupzilla 8, Gummy Minnow 6-8, and Marabou Muddler 6-8.

Reservoir Summary

The local reservoirs are fishing well for both #Smallmouthbass and #Trout. Nothing fancy needed here to catch either type of fish. Please be aware of the mud and don't get stuck.

Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the Premier #Orvis endorsed #Guide service in the #Truckee#Tahoe Area. We offer walk/wade trips on our rivers and boat trips on the local reservoirs. We also offer #flyfishingclinics for beginners to experts in all styles of Fly Fishing. Give us a call to book your adventure today. 530-386-0525

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I love to share my passion for fly fishing with anyone from the beginner to the seasoned veteran. Join me for a guided fishing trip in the Truckee/Lake Tahoe Area!


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