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Truckee Tahoe Fly Fishing Report June 15, 2023

This report will focus on the Truckee River, Little Truckee River, and the local reservoirs. The reservoirs have continued to be the spot for Rainbow, Cutthroat, and Smallmouth. They are all very willing to eat you junk. The water is slowly coming down on the rivers but the daily afternoon deluge of rain hasn't helped to reduce the flows. The weather looks to be drying out over the next week so that should help with the water temps as well. Should start to see more bug activity with the warming temps. The Ants have showed up. It is still going to be a nymphing and/or streamer game for a while.

angler holding a fish
Truckee Rainbow on the spey rod

Check out my upcoming clinics

*Just Added* Trout Spey Clinic: July 15th. In conjunction with Reno Orvis, a full-day intro to the the nuances of Spey Casting for trout on the Truckee River. Cost for on the water clinic is $285/ person and space is limited. Free intro presentation at Reno Orvis the evening of June 28th!

Truckee Area Sampler Two day Clinic: July 19th and 20th. A two-day tour of the area with stops on the Truckee, Little Truckee, and other waters with tips on how to fish them. Cost is $570 for the two days and space is limited. This one is for the intermediate to advanced angler looking to see some water and sharpen various skills.

Contact Brian to sign up for either clinic at 530-386-0525 or

Truckee River Conditions

The flows on the Truckee are 598cfs in above town and 1,590cfs at Boca. Water Clarity is good and Mid-day temps are in the Mid-fifties.

Truckee River Tactics

The best bet is still nymphing and streamers at these flows. Both are catching fish just not numbers of fish. Consistent dry fly action is still a few weeks out. Your looking to target the edges and soft spots around the boulders and other structure. Both nymphing and streamers need to get deep so stock up on the favorite flies cause your going to loose a few. If it looks good and you didn't get a take make another pass.

Truckee River Suggested Flies

For nymphs: Iron Salley 14-16, Haresear 12-14, Burks Bottom Roller 14-16, Micro May 16-20, Rainbow Warrior 16-20, Zebra Midge 18-22, Pheasant Tail 12-14, Flashback PT 12-14, Perdigons 16-18, SJW, Glow Bugs, Copper Johns 10-14, Prospector 14-16, Frenchie 12 -16, Rubber legs 6-10, Kauffman Stone 8-10, Twenty Incher 8-10, and Princes 10-16. For streamers: Sculpzilla 4-8, Sparkle Minnow 4-8, Wooley Bugger 6-8, and Dolley Llama 4.

Truckee River Summary

The Truckee River is slowly dropping and for those that like to work for you fish you will be rewarded with some nice specimens. Deep Nymphing and Streamers are the ticket here.

Little Truckee River Conditions

The flows on the Little Truckee are at 530cfs. Haven't bothered with a water temp it is fine and clarity is good as well.

Little Truckee River Tactics

The Little Truckee River Tactics are much like the Truckee look for the softer water along the edges, structure, or tailouts. Nymphing and Streamers here should work just fine. There is probably a better chance of finding some fish working on top here than on the big river. Still at few spots that are too fast to bother with. These fish like smaller flies but at these flows shouldn't need to get too small. Just need a good presentation. Wading is still a challenge at these flows.

Little Truckee River Suggested Flies

For Dries: Parachute Adams 14-22, Ants 10-12, Quigley Cripple 16-20, Thorax Dun 16-22, Hackle Stacker 16, Emergers 16-20, RS2 20, Griffiths Gnat 18-20, and Compara Dun 16-20. For nymphs: Haresear 14-18, Burks Bottom Roller 14-16, HBI 16-18, Brassie 16-20, AP nymph 16-20, Micro May 16-20, Rainbow Warrior 16-20, Barrs emerger 14-18, Pheasant Tail 14-20, Flashback PT 14-20, Juju Beatis 16-18, Perdigons 16-18, SJW, Glow Bugs, Copper Johns 12-16, Zebra Midge 16-20, and Princes 16-18. For streamers try Wooley Buggers 6-8, Sculpzilla 8, Baby Swim Coach 6, and Muddler Minnow 8-6.

Little Truckee River Summary

The Little Truckee is dropping slowly but still high enough that some holes are too blown out. Nymphing, streamers, and dry fly are in play here and just like the Truckee your going to have to work a bit.

Local Area Reservoir Conditions

Prosser, Boca, and Stampede continue to produce the fish. Varity and numbers. Rainbows, Cutthroat, Smallmouth, and Kokanee seem to be finding their way into the net. Boca is pretty full and holding steady, Prosser coming up fast, Stampede is getting full. Surface temps have ranged from 55-60 degrees depending on where your are at. The inlet streams temps have been 42-44 in the morning and getting to 48 mid-day

Local Reservoir Tactics

Boca, Prosser, and Stampede have all had decent fishing from the shore. Not much on top but definitely subsurface. Indicator nymphing or streamers on an intermediate or full sinking line have worked quite well. If you're not hooking up, move. Target points, drop-offs, inlets, and outlet areas near the dams. Word of Caution! Mud, with all of the rain driving around the reservoirs is tricky with deep puddles and soft shorelines. Best to check it out before driving though it or close to the edge.

Local Reservoir Suggested Flies

For Nymphing: Pheasant tail 14-10, Flashback PT 14-10, Haresear 12-14, Callibeatis nymphs 12-14, Balanced leech 8-10, Sheep's Creek10-14, Damsels 8-10, SJW, French 12-14, Blow Torch 12-14 and Midges 12-16. For Streamers: Wooley Bugger 8-10, Bunny Leeches 8-10, Sculpzilla 4-8, and Muddler Minnow 6-10.

Local Reservoir Summary

The local Reservoirs are nearly full and fishing quite well. If you want to catch multiple species then the reservoirs are the place. Nymphing and streamers are both working well. These are my first choice right now and you might see others out there. No problem there is plenty of room around these Stillwater's to find a quite spot and catch some fish.

Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the premier #Orvis endorsed #guideservice in the #Truckee #Tahoe area. We offer flyfishing walk/wade trips on our rivers and on the local reservoirs, as well as #flyfishingclinics for beginners to experts in all styles of Fly Fishing. Give us a call to book your #flyfishing #adventure today 530-386-0525 or, email

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