This report will cover the Truckee and Little Truckee Rivers. We have really good fly fishing conditions at the moment. There is water and the water is at very fishable levels on all venues. The Little Truckee is the most consistent fishing currently and the Main Truckee is ready to pop any day now. Nymphing is still the most productive method overall on both rivers. The topwater action is heating up on the Little Truckee and we have had some good dryfly sessions this week.
For those that what to get out and get some help on how to catch these wiley trout I have a couple of days open next week and the week after. Do not wait til August! The fishing is only going to get tougher by then.
The Truckee Sampler Clinic July 20th and 21st has openings as well. This two-day clinic will cover techniques for the local area. Click on the link for more info. Or, Call Brian 530-386-0525 to book your Fly Fishing Adventure.

Truckee River Conditions
The Truckee River Flow in town is 343cfs and down at Boca it is 498cfs. The water temps mid-day have been all over the map from 48 to 60 degrees only 24hrs later, then back down. Clarity is very good.
Truckee River Tactics
Truckee River Tactics now involve a little bit of every thing. Again, for this report, nymphing will be the most productive with the wild temperature fluctuations. We have caught a fish or two on top but that was right place right time. No consistency here even with the mid-day hatch going on. Green Drakes have been spotted! Streamers have duped a few as well but, swinging some soft hackles has worked better in back to back taste testing. Best to fish and move, cover the water.
Truckee River Suggested Flies
All bugs are in play now. For dry/dropper rigs the Stimulator 10-14, Royal Wulff 8-10, Double Dutch 8-10, and Chubbies 8-10. If you spot some rising rise, here are some dries to try: Ants 10-12, Thorax Dun 12-18, March Brown 12-14, Green Drake 10, Hackle Stacker 12-18, Parachute Adams 12-18, Quigley Cripple 10-18, Griffiths Gnat 16-20, Midges 18-22 and Compara Dun 16-20. For nymphs: Haresear 12-14, Pat's Rubberleggs 8-12, Mercer's Poxyback Stones 10-12, 20 incher 8-12, Burk's Bottom Roller 14-16, HBI 14-16, Pheasant Tail 12-14, Flashback PT 12-14, Perdigons 14-16, SJW, Copper Johns 12-14, Frenchie 12-14, and Princes 10-12. Soft Hackles Orange, Pheasant Tail, and Haresear 10-14. For Streamers: Woolley Bugger 6-10, Sculpzilla 4-8, Dolly Llama 6, and Peanut Envy 4-6.
Truckee River Summary
The Truckee Rivers is fishing good for those that have the patience and multiple rods set-ups to quickly change with the conditions.
Little Truckee River Conditions
The Little Truckee Flows are steady at 152cfs. Clarity is good and temps are stable. Haven't taken a temp in a while it is a tailwater.
Little Truckee River Tactics
The Little Truckee is fishing very well for those that can make the cast and get good drifts. Flogging the water won't work. I give casting lessons if you need them! There are also quite a few anglers out and about so have some patience and wait your turn. Nymphing in the morning and dries in the afternoon on til evening. There are Caddis, Midges, Stones, and many different Beatis hatching at various times throughout the day. Nymphing, Dry/Dropper, and Dry Fly techniques have all been getting about equal time and success. There is no need for little tippet yet but, that is coming. Bring bug spray the Mosquitos are out.
Little Truckee River Suggested Flies
Just like the Truckee all bugs are in play on the Little Truckee. Try the Royal Wluff 10-14, Ant 10, or Chubby 10-12 for indicator flies. Other dries; Parachute Adams 14-22, Quigley Cripple 16-20, Thorax Dun 14-18, Hackle Stacker 14-18, E/C Caddis 14-16, Missing Link 14, Flashback emerger 16-18, and Compara Dun 16-20. For nymphs; Pat's rubber leg 8-12, 20 incher 8-10, Haresear 12-14, Burks Bottom Roller 14-16, HBI 14-16, Sparkle Pupa 14-16, Poopa 14-16, Micro May 16-20, Rainbow Warrior 16-20, Barrs emerger 14-18, Pheasant Tail 14-20, Flashback PT 14-20, Juju Beatis 16-18, Perdigons 16-18, SJW, Copper Johns 12-16, Zebra Midge 16-20, and Princes 10-14.
Little Truckee River Summary
The Little Truckee River is fishing great right now. Nice hatches starting about mid-day so Nymph in the morning and Dryfly fish until the evening. There are a lot of other anglers to go with the mosquitos. Have fun!
Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the premier #Orvis endorsed #Guide service in the #Truckee #Tahoe area. We offer walk/wade trips on our rivers and on the local reservoirs, as well as #flyfishingclinics for beginners to experts in all styles of Fly Fishing. Give us a call to book your adventure today 530-386-0525 or, email